First, BPC 157 given prophylactically or therapeutically attenuated amphetamine-stereotypic behaviour and acoustic startle response with the reversal of excitability when given at the time of maximum amphetamine-induced excitability. This is interesting since BPC 157 alone does not affect behaviour or induce stereotypy, and in particular, since BPC 157 almost completely reverses behavioural supersensitivity to the amphetamine stimulating effect induced by pretreatment with haloperidol [66]. Further study extends the BPC 157 evidence from a counteraction of an acute effect [66] to the counteraction of a chronic amphetamine effect [57]. Demonstrated counteracting effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on chronic exposure to amphetamine in rats encompass particularly the changes commonly referred in chronic amphetamine studies as tolerance (lesser grade of stereotyped behavior, without increased excitability) and reverse tolerance (i.e., prominent stereotyped behavior and heightened startle response upon late amphetamine challenges). Therefore, it seems that this gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 has a modulatory effect on dopamine system, and it could be used in both acute and chronic amphetamine disturbances [57].

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